今天,馬刺球員Bryn Forbes在參加馬刺青年訓練營時接受了記者的採訪。
下賽季,如果馬刺主帥Gergg Popovich在比賽中被驅逐,首席助教Becky Hammon會創造歷史,成為首位執教NBA正式比賽的女性教練。
注:Becky Hammon,前WNBA球員,現任馬刺首席助教。
目前聯盟中少數的女性助理教練有:國王的Lindsey Harding、賽爾提克的Kara Lawson、馬刺的Becky Hammon、獨行俠的Jenny Boucek和騎士的Lindsay Gottlieb。
Bryn Forbes, speaking to reporters at a #Spurs youth camp, on the possibility of Becky Hammon making history this season should Pop get ejected, “That would be amazing. I’m excited for that. Hopefully, he gets it out of the way the first game and it can be set."
— Tom Orsborn (@tom_orsborn) July 29, 2019