今日在西雅圖進行的The Crawsover業餘聯賽眾星雲集,但因場地安全問題,比賽進行至第二節中段時被迫取消。而LeBron在賽前就產生出對場地的擔,時不時的與Rich Paul溝通場地問題,現場的網站記者更稱球場有如溜冰場一般,無法保證球員在場上的安全。
Damn, had to call the game because the floor is too slippery. It’s super duper hot and humid in here. Too risky with all these millionaires in here.
— Dugar, Michael-Shawn (@MikeDugar) August 21, 2022
You could tell LeBron knew it wasn’t safe to be out on that floor. Could see him whispering to Rich Paul at one point. Then MarJon Beauchamp tried a dunk & couldn’t get any traction. Jamal Crawford called the game after that and Bron looked at Rich like, “I called it.”
— Dugar, Michael-Shawn (@MikeDugar) August 21, 2022
身處現場的記者Mike Shawn於賽後在推文中寫道:「靠,比賽不得不取消,因為場地太滑了。這裡超級悶熱和濕熱。讓這麼多百萬富翁在這裡打球太冒險了。」
「你能看出來LeBron早就知道在那塊球場上打球並不安全。我可以看到他一度向場邊的Rich Paul竊竊私語。然後,公鹿新秀MarJon Beauchamp嘗試完成一記扣籃,卻根本跳不起來。Jamal Crawford在那球之後叫停了比賽,而LeBron看著Rich Paul說道:『 我剛才就這麼講了。』」Shawn於貼文中寫道。
I walked out on the court and it was an ice skating rink. Gotta keep them safe. Thanks @JCrossover for bringing history to Seattle. Let's run it back next year!
— LeftCoastRecruiting (@LC_Recruiting) August 21, 2022
而另一位一位在現場觀戰的「LeftCoastRecruiting」網站記者也發推寫道:「我走上了球場,那就是一個溜冰場,這必須要保證球員們的安全。感謝Jamal Crawford把歷史帶到西雅圖,讓我們明年再來!」