根據ESPN報導指出,Kyle Lowry同意被買斷,將在讓渡期過後簽約七六人。
Lowry過去曾在費城Cardinal Dougherty高中打球,大學時在維拉諾瓦大學效力,他一直希望能回到費城為七六人打球。如今37歲的Lowry,將能在本賽季的剩餘時間與他過去在暴龍的教練Nick Nurse再度攜手合作。
Kyle Lowry本季場均可攻下8.2分、3.5籃板、4助攻,投籃命中率42.6%。
Lowry — who played his high school basketball at Cardinal Dougherty and college ball at Villanova — has long hoped to return to Philadelphia to join the Sixers. At 37 years old, Lowry gets the chance for the rest of this season with his old coach, Nick Nurse. https://t.co/zQQRSyVKlA
— Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) February 11, 2024