美國男籃總教練Steve Kerr近期接受了採訪,談到關於在剩下的三場賽事是否會讓Kevin Durant持續替補上陣時,Kerr給出了肯定德的答案,並表示替補那套陣容有很大的破獲力,所以暫時沒有計畫改變Durant從替補出戰的決定。
當被問到是否會在奧運剩餘比賽中,繼續讓Kevin Durant替補上場時,Steve Kerr如此說道:
"There's no plans on changing that, but of course as the games get more difficult, my guess is Kevin will be playing more and more minutes. Keep coming off the bench for now, but we will lean on him more and more as we go." Steve Kerr on Kevin Durant. #Suns #TeamUSA #Paris2024 pic.twitter.com/JmLb8DdmYT
— Duane Rankin (@DuaneRankin) August 4, 2024