Trey Murphy III。圖/路透
Trey Murphy III近期接受了節目《TheCheckBall》採訪,Murphy在採訪中談到了自己在進入NBA前曾在速食店Chick-fil-A打工的經歷,他表示自己在遇到奧客後就想要在兩週後提出辭職信。
上季例行賽Trey Murphy III共出賽57場,場均可攻下14.8分、4.9籃板、2.2助攻。
Trey Murphy III says he worked at Chick-fil-A for a month before making the NBA:
— Legion Hoops (@LegionHoops) August 20, 2024
“I was giving a lady a drink one time and she crushed it in my hands… I had to contain myself and I was like you know what I’m putting in my 2 week notice.”
(via @TheCheckBall)