上個賽季塞爾提克與獨行俠的季後賽中,塞爾提克輕鬆的四勝一敗拿下冠軍,但系列賽比賽過程中也有不小的亮點,其中在第一戰賽後,獨行俠總教練Jason Kidd就稱讚Jaylen Brown是比較出色的球員,相較他的隊友Jayson Tatum。
Jason Kidd說:「有些人以為我在挑起事端,但他(Brown)剛剛贏得了東區的MVP,之後他還贏得了冠軍賽的MVP。我不知道我是否錯了,但眾所皆知,媒體有時候會把這看作是我在挑撥Tatum和Brown之間的關係,但其實不是這樣的。」
「我只是評論了Brown的表現很出色,他的隊友Jrue Holiday也同意了,所以我並沒有挑起任何事端。只是Brown在正確的時間打出了最好的籃球,我就是這麼說的。有些人以為我在挑事,但我並沒有。他確實在那個時候打得最好。」Kidd補充。
"Some took it as I was trying to start something, but [Jaylen Brown] had just won the ECF MVP, and then he actually ended up winning the MVP in the Finals. So I don't know if I was wrong."
— ClutchPoints (@ClutchPoints) August 22, 2024
Jason Kidd clears the air on his JB NBA Finals comments pic.twitter.com/g5alyfCYaN https://t.co/luLGw2uvJF