Isaiah Thomas。圖/路透
近期仍在努力找尋機會重返NBA的Isaiah Thomas,在節目上談到了自己過去塞爾提克時的傷勢情況。Thomas表示當時自己根本不清楚自己的傷病情況,每場比賽自己都被打了三次針。
談到自己在塞爾提克時的傷勢狀況,Isaiah Thomas在節目中分享道:
「所以我當時只是想著『好吧,我有一個骨挫傷,我可以像往常一樣應對。 』他們在對陣巫師的系列賽前給我打了針,每場比賽我都被打了三次針,最後一次是在巫師系列賽的第七場比賽前。然後在對陣騎士的系列賽第二場比賽中,我被擋拆撞到,我的臀部後面突然劇痛,我當時就想『這是什麼情況?』」
Isaiah Thomas on the Celtics:
— ClutchPoints (@ClutchPoints) August 27, 2024
"I’m upset because at that point I put my career on the line for something that you could’ve just broke down to me and told me."
Isaiah Thomas feels that if the Celtics and their medical staff had been upfront with him about the long-term risks of…